Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/12/14 HOA Meeting Minutes

PRESENT: All Attending

1) Discuss plan for replacing lost trees or not. If so, determine how many to replace and who will get quotes and by when, etc.
2) Discuss mowing of common areas and weeding of entrance beds and possibly pruning of trees. Do we need to hire this out or do we have enough participation from within the community? Do we need to consider reimbursing mowers for gasoline?
3) Discuss remnants of old sign (bricks and debris).  How can we get rid of that?
4) Discuss when to add a new sign and who will get quotes and by when.
5) Hear more from Randy on his ideas for the road and his plans for getting bids.
6) Make tentative plans for Memorial Day party: set date and location (we are happy to volunteer to host if people would like so kids/people can enjoy the pool)
7) AOB