When you drove home Tuesday, you may have noticed some arrows painted on the road. Jeremy, the Asphalt company representative, came by for a final walk-through prior to delivering the final road resurfacing quote for approval and scheduling by the HOA Board.
The road has been marked to show the beginning and end of the area to be resurfaced. This area will include the entire width of the road from between the Vandre and Von Hagen driveways to between the Newburg and Alford driveways. This span includes the pot holes and the two septic line dips. The ends of the resurfaced area will be tapered to ease the transition back to the existing pavement.
You will notice two lines at each of the ends of the proposed area to be resurfaced. The inside line (toward the arrow head) shows where the taper will begin, while the outside line (toward the arrow tail) shows where the taper will end.
Jeremy mentioned that he might need to reach out to some of the home owners that have concrete driveways or transitions that tie into the road with an uneven edge. Turner Asphalt may need to bring a concrete saw out to smooth out that edge to improve the concrete to asphalt joint.
We should have a final quote by Thursday (end of day tomorrow). The HOA Board will review it, have a final HOA Board vote to approve it and then schedule the work with Turner Asphalt. We plan to have the work done on a Monday, if at all possible, to give us as much time as possible for the road to set before garbage or recycling trucks have to travel on the road.
If you have any questions regarding the resurfacing project, please feel free to reach out to your HOA Board. HOA Board members are listed in the Board Members tab on the blog: http://thoroughbredhoa.blogspot.com/
-Marvin Watkins & The HOA Board